Certainly, improving as a UX designer in Lagos requires staying updated with industry trends, learning from experts, and honing your skills. Here are some websites that can help you enhance your UX design skills:
1. Nielsen Norman Group (NN/g): nn/g.com; A renowned UX research and consulting firm offering valuable insights, articles, and research on usability, user-centered design, and interaction design.
2. Smashing Magazine: smashingmagazine.com; A popular web design and development magazine that covers a wide range of topics, including UX/UI design, coding, and responsive design.
3. UX Design Institute: uxdinstitute.com; Offers a Professional Diploma in UX Design, online courses, articles, and resources to enhance your UX knowledge and skills.
4. UX Design Weekly: uxdesignweekly.com; A newsletter that curates the latest UX-related articles, tools, and resources from around the web, delivered to your inbox weekly.
5. A List Apart: alistapart.com; A platform that focuses on web design, development, and content, with insightful articles covering various aspects of user experience.
6. Interaction Design Foundation: interaction-design.org; Provides online courses, articles, and webinars on interaction design, user research, and UX fundamentals.
7. Medium: medium.com; A platform where UX designers and experts share their insights, experiences, and case studies related to user experience and design.
8. Coursera: coursera.org; Offers various UX design courses from universities and institutions worldwide, allowing you to learn at your own pace.
9. UX Design Institute's Blog: blog.uxdesigninstitute.com; The official blog of the UX Design Institute, featuring articles, case studies, and interviews from UX experts.
10. Dribbble: dribbble.com; A platform where designers showcase their work, providing inspiration and insights into design trends and best practices.
11. Behance: behance.net; Another platform to discover and showcase creative work, including UX design projects and case studies.
12. Google Design: design.google; Offers resources, articles, and design guidelines from Google, focusing on various aspects of design, including UX/UI.
13. UX Booth: uxbooth.com; Features articles and resources on a wide range of UX topics, from research and design to usability testing and prototyping.
14. Usability.gov: usability.gov; Provides guidelines, tools, and resources from the U.S. government's usability program, offering practical insights into user-centered design.
15. UserTesting Blog: usertesting.com/blog; Offers insights, case studies, and best practices for conducting user research and usability testing.
16. Figma: Figma is a collaborative design tool that allows you to work on designs with others in real-time. This is a great tool for getting feedback from your team and clients.
Remember, consistent learning and practice are essential to improving as a UX designer. These websites can serve as valuable resources to keep you informed about the latest trends, techniques, and best practices in the field of UX design.